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Write On - .0016 self-adhesive material. This material is non-indentable but can be marked on with permanent ma5rking pen. Works best for product labels, this material will adhere to non-pourous or smooth surfaces including wood, painted or non-painted metals, hard plastic surfaces, etc. This material not recommended for use on powder coated or rough metal surfaces and is best when applied in normal weather conditions.
Shiny Indentable - .0016 self-adhesive aluminum material with shiny finish. When written on, this material holds a permanent indention, inks can fade or wash off but the indention will maintain a legible image for the life of the label. Use these tags indoor or outdoor. These labels can be used on painted or non-painted metals, wood or hard plastic surfaces.
Matte Indentable - .002 self-adhesive heavy duty aluminum material with a matte or dull finish. Extra durable material, when written on this material holds a deep indention, inks can fade or wash off but the indention on these labels leaves a legible image. Indoor or Outdoor applications. Use on painted, non-painted metals, wood, hard plastic surfaces, weather proof. Use these labels for more durable conditions